Let's Celebrate! Thirty years ago, a glittery little fish swam out into the world with a message of friendship and sharing. Meanwhile children from Australia to Zimbabwe have found a place in their hearts and bookshelves for The Rainbow Fish. Marcus PfisterThe most heartfelt of congratulations, my dear Rainbow Fish! I brought you to life, but you and the readers did everything else alone.The Rainbow Fish and His FriendsFive adventures in one collection!HERERainbow Fish and the StorytellerA sparkling new book about tall-tales!HEREActivities and CraftsFree Rainbow Fish print-outs and instructions!ResourcesMagazineA special edition magazine featuring a full-color poster!HereGuestbookSay Happy 30th Birthday to the Rainbow Fish!GuestbookPress & EventsInterested in the anniversary? We are happy to hear from you!Contact